Molecular pathways for technologically important tin chalcogenide nanostructures
Gourab Karmakar,a Adish Tyagi,*a,b

Prayogic Rasayan 2024, 8(2), 22-29

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.53023/p.rasayan-20240830

Keywords: Single Source Molecular Precursor, Tin Chalcogenide, Nanomaterials, Thin Films, Energy Application.

Tin chalcogenides have been projected as promising energy materials owing to their interesting physico-chemical properties. It is needed to evolve a cost effective route to fully harvest their commercial potential. Single source molecular precursors (SSP) offer a versatile route to functional materials. This mini review is intended to summarize various SSPs reported so far for tin chalcogenides. The effect of different ligand systems, capping agents in modulating the properties of tin chalcogenides have been discussed. Finally, the applications of SSP derived tin chalcogenides have also been included in this account.